Package org.jmock.expectation

Interface Summary
Expectation An Expectation is an object that we set up at the beginning of a unit test to expect certain things to happen to it.
ExpectationCollection An ExpectationCollection is an expectation that supports multiple values, such as lists and sets.

Class Summary
ExceptionalReturnValue Sequence of exception values as required by MockMaker This is a generic class that should have been introduced to the mockobjects code stream instead of being separately included in org.mockobjects.
MapEntry A public MapEntry data type that can be used where the Map.Entry interface is required (needed because the Sun implementation is package protected)
Null A class that represents the null value.
ReturnObjectBag The ReturnObjectBag is a map containing instances of ReturnObjectList.
ReturnObjectList This class allows a list of objects to be setup which can be used whilst.The list is check to make sure that all the object in it are used and that none are left over at the end of a test.
ReturnValue The ReturnValue class allows a value to be setup which will then be returned upon a specific invokedMethod call.
ReturnValues Sequence values as required by MockMaker This is a generic class that should have been introduced to the mockobjects code stream instead of being separately included in org.mockobjects.
VoidReturnValues Sequence of void values as required by MockMaker This is a generic class that should have been introduced to the mockobjects code stream instead of being separately included in org.mockobjects.